1-1 help to create healthy, committed partnership

If, after the 4th unavailable person in a row, and all that time recovering from that toxic relationship, you've received the nudge that it's time to get back out there again …

I offer 1:1 coaching for brilliant magical women to help you get back out there again and meet someone you can actually build a life with!

I’m so tired of seeing so many women sell themselves short in love, hold themselves back, or invest their hearts in relationships that will predictably come off the rails.

It's time for you to be pursued, cherished, adored NOW because if not now, when?!

Check out the 1:1 coaching invitation here.

To get a further sense of whether re.love is right for you:

The next step is to jump on a complimentary personal video call with me here and together we’ll figure out if my re.love program will get you the real results that your heart is longing for!



P.S. I offer re.love 1:1 coaching as a deep-dive coaching container over 3 months. You may also wish to explore the self-study program OR book an intensive 1:1 love splinter removal session ASAP here now.


My experience working with Ezzie was incredibly transformative, fun, and so so worth it! I joined re.love because I would like to have kids soon and I was looking to meet someone who felt like they could potentially be my life partner. Which I did! He's kind, compassionate, warm, creative, committed to our future together, really everything I was looking for.

But the program had so much more than that in store for me as well. I'm someone who has always struggled with self worth and self love -- I knew intellectually that I deserved love, but I didn't feel that way deep inside myself. re.love completely changed this. I feel like I can access a store of love and compassion inside of myself that I've never felt before, and it has transformed all aspects of my life, not just dating/relationships.

On top of all of this, the re.love program is fun. I really looked forward to doing the exercises, and I started to feel a lot of joy and lightness in the process. I can't recommend this program enough, and I feel like it was really worth the time and money that I spent on it.

- Janelle

dating after a narcissist

goop just published my article on finding love after you've dated a narcissist.

You can read the piece in goop here.

The TLDR : you are not doomed after a toxic relationship. 

You can restore self-trust, and learn how to reconnect with your intuition, move forward, and find delicious healthy love.

I also recorded an audio version in this week’s re.love podcast too, with several practical tips on how to navigate the dating scene with exquisite self-care if you've had this initiation-of-a-lifetime.

Click below to listen, or search my name in your fave podcast app.


Click above or search “Ezzie Spencer” in Spotify, Apple, Google etc.   

 xo Ezzie


When I came into re.love, I was grieving a 20 year pattern of toxic, unhealthy relationships with volatile, angry and emotionally unavailable men. I was grieving a very lonely and painful childhood. And most of all I was grieving the loss of myself. I was lonely, sad and angry and it felt like my heart was a hard rock in my chest. I was desperate for a change. And then the magic started.... I knew with every part of me that this program was meant for me and I had HOPE. 

I started listening to the modules and following the re.love prescription to a tee. The more I dug into the program, the more magical it became. I felt brighter, lighter and INSPIRED. As I completed the re.love Heartwork, I completely surrendered to a journey of self love and expansion. My fears and unconscious beliefs of unworthiness began to dissolve. 

Fast forward 12 weeks and today I feel ELATED, serene, and JOYFULLY CONNECTED to myself... it's like a deep burning flame of passion and love at the root of my very being. I embrace and embody the divine and delicious feminine within me. And finally, I am at home in my skin for the first time EVER. My unshakable foundation of abundant love for myself has finally created a clear pathway for me to attract the relationship of my dreams. 

re.love is life changing and the best part is knowing this is just the beginning! Yes!!! 

- re.love client

alphas and fairy tales

“Am I really attracted to very masculine men?

Or is this just part of how I've been socialised (the whole girl fairytale thing)?”

This great question from a listener sparked today’s podcast episode on attraction patterns.

Truth be told, you won't know the answer to this Q until you strip back social conditioning and experience what lies beneath for you.

What you might find might surprise you, either way!

It's not about trying to talk yourself into liking the softer nicer people, and it's not about pathologising desires — neither work.

When you're open and available for what is genuine for you, you can confidently claim it and call it in. Today's podcast ep includes some thoughts and prompts to help gain that openness and clarity.

And if you're ready to move fast — release what is standing in the way and find your person who is attractive in all the ways — I have a few 1:1 spots opening next week. Look out for my email.

Click below to listen, or search my name in your fave podcast app.


Click above or search “Ezzie Spencer” in Spotify, Apple, Google etc.   

x Ezzie

Ezzie, I wanted to share that I’ve been in a committed, amazing, exactly-what-i’ve-been looking for relationship. I’m SOOO grateful for everything re.love taught me as the relationship is more than anything I could have ever dreamed, Thank you again and hope you’ve been well!

- Steph

new website

I'm so excited to share my new website!

You know how when you look back and suddenly all the steps you've taken make sense? Jo ChunYan created a gorgeous cosmic visual reflection of that for me: past, and present and future!

Check out the new www.ezziespencer.com here.

Thank you to Pam Slim for her coaching support on the concept of a body of work!

I share all in-depth on today's podcast.

Oh, also, check out these announcements on this podcast episode:  

  • the revamped 1:1 re.love program coming soon: pure magic!

  • Unconscious Vows & Splinters workshop on 4 May: join interest list.

  • brand new Lunar Abundance creations: say what?!

Click below to listen, or search my name in your fave podcast app.


Click above or search “Ezzie Spencer” in Spotify, Apple, Google etc.   

xo Ezzie

P.S. New 1:1 spots are opening May 1st. Join the interest list here.

uncover secret barriers to love

Want to find out if you have any Unconscious Vows in love?

Today's podcast episode is a thought experiment designed to help you uncover any secret beliefs that are holding you back in love.

Lots of prompts for contemplation and journaling that may just unlock the clarity you need to take your love-life to the next level.

Click below to listen, or search my name in your fave podcast app.


Click above or search “Ezzie Spencer” in Spotify, Apple, Google etc.  

xo Ezzie


 re.love helped me to change within, to make that shift toward myself and self love without which, nothing would be changed in my external life. I would keep attracting unavailable men. And only after feeling in every cell of my body, the love I deserve, then life brought me the outer experience. 

[My new man] is soooo silly and natural and sensitive and wise and serious and caring and loving and silly again, and I am so grateful for him in my life. I feel so cherished and a love that I never experienced before. Wow and more wow, Ezzie! - ERA

love bombing

When is it too hot too soon? 

What to look out for, to know if it's going to crash? 

Love-bombing might feel like a special “karmic bond”. 

Feels great … until it doesn’t. 

Today’s podcast episode helps you spot the signs, including unexpected conversational behaviours and other hints that something may be off in the early stages.

Prevention is better than cure, so learn how to build your immunity so you aren’t seduced by someone who will waste your time or dash your hopes in love (no more narcissists allowed!). 

Click below to listen, or search my name in your fave podcast app.


Click above or search “Ezzie Spencer” in Spotify, Apple, Google etc.  

xo Ezzie



I’m celebrating 5 months of laughter, security, trust, vulnerability, growth, fun and so many other good things from sinking into relationship with [my man] (this time has flown, it was such a surprise when I did the count back to when we first met via Hinge in August!) ...

For me it’s been SO helpful just thinking about the whole process as taking one little step after another (does it feel good now to stay over/meet his kids/meet his parents/invite him to this thing/go with him to that thing/share something vulnerable/etc) without projecting too far ahead, having clarity about the blocks I have within myself that I’m reprogramming, and being able to identify what’s core to pay attention to (my personal and relationship values, keycards, feelings!), and what’s peripheral.

Tuning into my body, the thing that has been so consistent since the very first few dates is that when I think about him, I always have the feeling of wanting to see him/be wrapped in his arms because it feels so good and easy ... This past weekend I was doing my final scan as we hung out together – ‘do I have any questions for Ezzie..?’ The more I scanned, the more I realised, our feelings are really deep and I’m in something wonderful!

So this is my celebration – I have worked through so much about myself, and have such confidence in the re.love framework and my skills at applying it, that I feel so capable – I have no question!!! Thanks so much Ezzie  - Sally

why we need to reject this feminine dating myth

Something that upsets me is how many of my gorgeous, brilliant, magical women clients have been brainwashed by old-fashioned tropes about what it means “to be feminine” in love.

It's not the “feminine” part that upsets me — it's those old cliches about “how the feminine should act so the masculine wants her" that translate into women feeling they have to be passive in love.


That’s the fast-track to giving away your power … and missing out on the love you want.

In this week’s new podcast episode, I share more about what feminine power might actually look like in a dating context.

This topic gets me feisty…

Tune in below to listen, or search in your fave podcast app.


Click above or search “Ezzie Spencer” in Spotify, Apple, Google etc.  

xo Ezzie

P.S. I offer immersive 1:1 journeys for a very small number of clients via an application and interview process. You can apply here. For a simple and potent self-study option, start my LOVEABLE program here now.


re.love fundamentally changed my life — initially I signed up hoping that it would help me “unfreeze” my heart. Due to some unpleasant experiences I had lost the ability to feel love. I was simply stuck in my incapability to get the tiniest warm feeling in my chest - not for life, not for myself, not for my adorable nephew or my cherished kitty-cat. I would have been perfectly content if re.love only solved that issue for me, but Ezzie’s magical program just went above and beyond: I was able to re-access that warm and delicious feeling of love after the first week. Then I went on to trusting myself more, treating myself so much better, being emotionally more resilient and just feeling luminously happy in life.

 Before I started re.love I estimated that it would take me quite a while to feel like dating again. So I didn’t expect anything in that regard from the program and was surprised when after just two months I actually felt ready to go out and date and meet someone.

 I used to think: "who am I to meet the guy who really fits me" ? I met him almost on the first try. I have never been in a relationship as good as this. We're moving in together in the summer. I still can't quite believe it. I wouldn't be in this place without re.love - B

Wanting Love vs. Attaching to the Outcome

Do you ever lose yourself in the balance between wanting big love, and getting a little fixated on the specifics?

If you relate, then you'll love today’s podcast episode. 

We cover:

  • Why it is so hard to keep the balance between wanting the thing and attaching to the thing (when you really do want the thing!).

  • What to focus on instead; and

  • A simple phrase to keep you open to the mystery — before your seeds of desire have come to fruit (the hard part!).

Tune in below to listen, or search in your fave podcast app.


Click above or search “Ezzie Spencer” in Spotify, Apple, Google etc.

 xo Ezzie

P.S. I offer immersive 1:1 journeys for a very small number of clients via an application and interview process. You can apply here. For a simple and potent self-study option, start my LOVEABLE program here now.


I have done a lot of personal development and spiritual work, and had been feeling disconnected from all of the self-responsibility/ blame, self-righteousness and bypassing so rife in these spaces. So I didn't want to commit to just another program that told me how much of myself I had to fix before I was worthy of having what I wanted. 

I have been following you for a little while on Insta and re.love caught my eye. I was hesitant, but I knew there was something in here for me and boy oh boy am I glad I followed that nudge. What I have received is gentle, grounded guidance, founded in embodiment and such simplicity. Exactly what I needed. I really from the bottom of my heart appreciate this work Ezzie and I'm so grateful I followed the call to join this 12 week program. - re.love client

"when do I unmatch them?"

In my private client work: 

… we unearth any blockages to self-worth in romantic relationships (return to unconditional love and self-acceptance), 

… we release any Unconscious Vows that may be preventing us from turning our Heartlight on, allowing our feminine essence and magic to shine out to catch the attention of gorgeous suitors … 

… and we enjoy squeals of delight as we spin the wheel of love in real time, with dating profile and texting reviews in real time (gold). 

Love is inevitable with this powerful trifecta! 

Today’s episode is about the third part of the trifecta:

Modern online dating etiquette! 

This is a super practical episode with tips to stop the second-guessing and put your mind at ease, create a powerful dating technique that works for you, plus communication scripts. 

When do you unmatch someone? 

And how to do it in an elegant, graceful fashion? 

Tune in below for insights into the weird language of virtual dating. 


Click above or search “Ezzie Spencer” in Spotify, Apple, Google etc.

xo Ezzie

P.S. I offer immersive 1:1 journeys for a very small number of clients via an application and interview process. You can apply here. For a simple and potent self-study option, start my LOVEABLE program here now.


re.love is practical AND magical! I know myself so much better, and I’ve got new clarity and confidence with sparking and exploring connections in my search for love. Your wisdom during the calls is so personalised and golden. It’s been a life changer! — SALLY

What to do when you’ve been out of the dating game for a long time?

If you’ve been single for awhile (or you’re recently out of a long-term relationship) then you may be confronted with the weirdness of the current dating climate.

You might feel intimidated or turned off — which is entirely understandable.

And I firmly believe that it is still possible to have fun dating right now, a belief rooted in the reality of how I help my clients everyday to enhance their dating experience.

And I draw back the curtain on that in today's podcast episode!

The quality of your experience will likely correlate with the depth of your inner work, the rigor of your vetting system, and your fluency in today’s “dating” language.

So how to do that?

As my cosmic pal Theresa Reed likes to say: 

be prepared, not scared!

On that: I give preparation tips in today’s podcast episode.

Tune in below, or search my name in your fave podcast platform. 


Click above or search “Ezzie Spencer” in Spotify, Apple, Google etc.

xo Ezzie

P.S. I offer immersive 1:1 journeys for a very small number of clients via an application and interview process. You can apply here. For a simple and potent self-study option, start my LOVEABLE program here now.


I am so grateful for my experience with you in 2020! It totally transformed my love life.

I never felt so at ease and optimistic even when a promising relationship ended and the dating continued for some more.

It has been so vastly different experience than all my single girlfriends have had. I wish they all could be ready for re.love.

I’m now in the most incredible relationship and can’t really believe how great partner this person is to me! I have never felt anyone else love and appreciate all of me like this!

We just moved in together and are both starting new jobs this fall, so a new chapter is beginning for us. After having a very pleasant job, but one not truly aligned with my values, this new one is finally a huge step towards what I have been looking for for a long time! I am so excited and happy!

I hope you are well and are guiding more and more women through this magical transformation! I keep following you as I try to share your wisdom with my friends. - P

How to Tap into Hope this Valentine's Day

So. We can know that the hype around February 14 is commercially driven, we can know that everyone is on their own timeline but … Valentine's Day can still be a tricky one to navigate if your love-life is not exactly where you'd like it to be.

That's the case if you are single or in a relationship.

In honour of this, today's podcast episode is a bit different. Tune in for a free guided meditation to connect with unconditional love and hope, and receive guidance from your own inner wisdom about how to love yourself at this time of year.

You are so loved,

… and big love is coming for you.

Click below to listen, or search my name in your fave podcast app. 


Click above or search “Ezzie Spencer” in Spotify, Apple, Google etc.

xo Ezzie


I have been single for over 7 years after a toxic relationship. I had tried all of the things - various manifesting techniques, visualisations, hypnosis, trauma healing, and more, and had given up on love completely. I didn't know what was wrong with me that I just wasn't attracting anyone. 

re.love has instilled in me so much confidence that love is inevitable for me. It has deepened my self-love and self-trust in a profound way. I had become so full of disbelief that love was possible for me that I couldn't even conjure the feelings within me at the beginning. I can now feel in my cells that I am worthy of this and it is inevitable that incredible and aligned people want to date me.

Despite my current lockdown circumstances, I still have this undeniable belief that this is coming. I have seen glimpses of this when I started going on the apps and my attraction radar was going off, something that usually used to be as dry as the Sahara desert. — ANNIE

The 3 Types of Love Blocks

Love Blocks don’t mean that you are doomed.

On the contrary, figuring out you have a love block is cause for celebration!

Okay, that sounds weird. Why celebrate?

Because correctly identifying what is blocking you means that you can swiftly address it.

In today’s podcast episode, we identify the 3 main love blocks that I see with my clients.

These blocks might come up at any stage in dating and relationship. But when you melt these away, the more ease you’ll have in your love-life.

This applies whether you are single, dating or yes — even in relationship and wanting to go deeper.

Do you feel blocked in love? Do you relate to, 1, 2 or 3? 

Click below to listen, or search my name in your fave podcast app. 


Click above or search “Ezzie Spencer” in Spotify, Apple, Google etc.

xo Ezzie

P.S. I offer immersive 1:1 journeys for a very small number of clients via an application and interview process. You can apply here. For a simple and potent self-study option, start my LOVEABLE program here now.


I had been following Ezzie for a while because I loved her book. When I received her emails about re.love, I immediately knew it was right for me. The Love Potion she sent resonated and so I joined. After the first call, I felt a powerful shift in my very core and truest self and felt myself opening up to true love and something bigger than I have ever experienced. Immediately afterwards, I had a message from someone on a dating app. 

Normally, I would have ignored it, but our work changed me. Now months, later this person and I are exclusive and experiencing and building a loving, safe, secure relationship. Ezzie is magic, and she will bring out that same magic in you that may be buried deep due to past pain and fears. She will help you free yourself and seek what is meant for you, without fear. — KATHERINE

Standards VS Expectations: What's the Difference?

If expectations signal a focus on them (how they "should" behave)

Then standards emanate from the inside-out (what works for you).

A given quality might appear the same on the surface, but it’s how you position yourself in relation to it that makes the difference.

Starting with your own standards in the quest for love can make all the difference.

And then, to hold your standards is a sign of embodied self-worth.

Good in theory ... and … a little crunchier when you are connecting with someone you really like.

In today’s episode, we dive into that scenario.

Click below to listen, or search my name in your fave podcast app.


Click above or search “Ezzie Spencer” in Spotify, Apple, Google etc.

xo Ezzie

P.S. I offer immersive 1:1 journeys for a very small number of clients via an application and interview process. You can apply here. For a simple and potent self-study option, start my LOVEABLE program here now.



My experience in re.love was incredibly transformative, fun, and so so worth it! I joined re.love because I would like to have kids soon and I was looking to meet someone who felt like they could potentially be my life partner. Which I did! He's kind, compassionate, warm, creative, committed to our future together, really everything I was looking for.

 But the program had so much more than that in store for me as well. I'm someone who has always struggled with self worth and self love -- I knew intellectually that I deserved love, but I didn't feel that way deep inside myself. re.love completely changed this. I feel like I can access a store of love and compassion inside of myself that I've never felt before, and it has transformed all aspects of my life, not just dating/relationships.

 On top of all of this, the program is fun. I really looked forward to doing the exercises, and I started to feel a lot of joy and lightness in the process. I can't recommend this program enough, and I feel like it was really worth the time and money that I spent on it. - J

The Difference Between Self-Sabotage and Self-Protection

This week, I jam with Mia Lux on a brand new episode on her podcast about the difference between “self-sabotage” and “self-protection” when it comes to dating — plus how to overcome inner barriers to love.

I'm a Community Leader inside Mia's brilliant new dating platform La Vette, and our coaching-and-concierge combo is featured in the goop gift guide this February.

xo Ezzie

P.S. I offer immersive 1:1 journeys for a very small number of clients via an application and interview process. You can apply here. For a simple and potent self-study option, start my LOVEABLE program here now.


 As we come to the end of the 12 weeks, I just feel peaceful and in full trust with all the work that we've done together in the re.love container. When all the head noises and stuff coming up around dating — I'm just coming back to the feeling that it's all good. That this is sorted, I'm in alignment, I know what to do, it's all happening. It feels so nice to not be super heady about my love-life. I just feel peaceful and that’s invaluable. - Vicki

The Golden Quadrant

This week I’m sharing one of the top re.love episodes of all time.

Have you listened to THE GOLDEN QUADRANT? It's a helpful framework to help you approach dating conversations with the energy of curiosity, openness, abundance and play.

It helps to take the pressure down … and have fun dating!

Click below to listen, or search my name in your fave podcast app.


Click above or search “Ezzie Spencer” in Spotify, Apple, Google etc.

xo Ezzie

P.S. I offer immersive 1:1 journeys for a very small number of clients via an application and interview process. You can apply here. For a simple and potent self-study option, start my LOVEABLE program here.


re.love fundamentally changed my life — initially I signed up hoping that it would help me “unfreeze” my heart. Due to some unpleasant experiences I had lost the ability to feel love. I was simply stuck in my incapability to get the tiniest warm feeling in my chest - not for life, not for myself, not for my adorable nephew or my cherished kitty-cat. I would have been perfectly content if re.love only solved that issue for me, but Ezzie’s magical program just went above and beyond: I was able to re-access that warm and delicious feeling of love after the first week. Then I went on to trusting myself more, treating myself so much better, being emotionally more resilient and just feeling luminously happy in life.

 Before I started re.love I estimated that it would take me quite a while to feel like dating again. So I didn’t expect anything in that regard from the program and was surprised when after just two months I actually felt ready to go out and date and meet someone.

 I used to think: "who am I to meet the guy who really fits me" ? I met him almost on the first try. I have never been in a relationship as good as this. We’re now engaged!! I am so happy. Thank you, I am sure it would not have happened without re.love" - B

“Did I Miss My Chance with My Soulmate?”

If you’ve ever wondered if you missed the chance with someone special because of something you said or did, then this week's podcast episode is for you.

I loved recording this episode because it gives direct insight into a private client session (details shared with her permission).

She came into the session beating herself up about what she said to an ex one night — and left feeling peace, calm and relaxation at the end, knowing that she was enough.

Tune in, as this is a practical dive into self-love and how to weave the unconscious into the light.

Click below to listen, or search my name in your fave podcast app.


Click above or search “Ezzie Spencer” in Spotify, Apple, Google etc.

xo Ezzie

P.S. I offer immersive 1:1 journeys for a very small number of clients via an application and interview process. You can apply here. For a simple and potent self-study option, start my LOVEABLE program here.


The perspective that you are sharing is unique and I feel like it is coming through even more potently this season. The new branding is amazing, but it's more than that, it feels like there is a new level of clarity and fire behind your words! - Leticia

Reflections and Love in 2023

As we approach the new year, I'm curious:

Did you have a “word” at the start of 2022? 

A word to sum up the year?

And, what is your word for 2023?

I love the simplicity of choosing one word a year to inspire and breathe into … and checking back in on it at the end of the year.

Tune into today's episode for my reflections on my word for 2022, a personal update on 2022 — and big decisions for me. 

Plus, why I believe love is possible in 2023!

Click below to listen, or search my name in your fave podcast app.


Click above or search “Ezzie Spencer” in Spotify, Apple, Google etc.

xo Ezzie

P.S. I offer immersive 1:1 journeys for a very small number of clients via an application and interview process. You can apply here. For a simple and potent self-study option, start my LOVEABLE program here.


I feel a renewed sense of self after re.love. I'm feeling happy and in tune with my needs, wants and desires. The re.love material supported me to regain my self-worth. I now have a true, internal knowing that I deserve and am worthy of love, in an equal loving relationship, and won't settle for less. (This was a huge learning for me, to recognise the old dating patterns and giving far too much of myself in a relationship, to the point of exhaustion). My confidence in all aspects of my life has shifted for the better too, an internal knowing that "I've got this!". - Kristy

boundaries, holidays and your love-life

Happy end-of-the-year, and good wishes for all that you celebrate!

Amidst it all, it can be a tricky time of year where friends and family take the opportunity to probe into your love-life …

… tricky if your love-life isn't exactly where you'd like it to be.

If you're experiencing any awkward questions or opinions around the holiday dinner table, you might find today's episode helpful.

This is about love, but the principles apply to any tender subject.

Tune in for:

  1. A framework to determine who to open up to.

  2. Communication scripts on how to frame your shares - you don’t have to cut out your loved ones altogether!

  3. What to do if no one gets you — what action to take.

I hope this episode helps you navigate any tricky conversations at this time of the year.

Click below to listen, or search my name in your fave podcast app.


Click above or search “Ezzie Spencer” in Spotify, Apple, Google etc.

xo Ezzie

P.S. I offer immersive 1:1 journeys for a very small number of clients via an application and interview process. You can apply here. For a simple and potent self-study option, start my LOVEABLE program here.


It’s so amazing to share what is happening for me, and the truth of how I’m actually feeling, in a space that is so far beyond non-judgey — and have you shine a light on what is really going on with me and men, and show me exactly how to move me through it.- SAVANNAH

do I have to be “more feminine” to find love?

This question breaks my heart because there is so much toxic dating advice out there, making you feel wrong for being you.

The toxic part? "Having" to do/be something to be loved.

The truth?

Show YOUR magic!

You don’t need to fix or change yourself to find love.

And if you ever catch yourself trying to “be” or “do” something in order to “get” something …

… it’s really risky business. 

I share my personal experience with that in this episode,

Plus an alternative rooted in self-acceptance and self-love.

Click below to listen, or search my name in your fave podcast app.


Click above or search “Ezzie Spencer” in Spotify, Apple, Google etc.

Show your own magic!

xo Ezzie

P.S. I offer immersive 1:1 journeys for a very small number of clients via an application and interview process. You can apply here. For a simple and potent self-study option, start my LOVEABLE program here.


 For me re.love was as much learning about myself, as learning how to attract others. I feel it’s a way of life, acknowledging and believing in my own worthiness. Almost everyday something happens where I reflect on what I’ve learnt in re.love! - Daniela


I sat with goop to discuss self-love in dating — how to set standards and keep your self-worth intact, cultivate emotional resilience, and filter effectively. 

Plus: alternatives to the swipe apps, how to date in the wild and a shoutout to the cool new La Vette dating world I'm involved with.

The article is below, hope you or a friend find it helpful if seeking love.

I firmly believe love is possible, even in this weird digital age.

re.love in goop

xo Ezzie

P.S. I offer immersive 1:1 journeys for a very small number of clients via an application and interview process. You can apply here. For a simple and potent self-study option, start my LOVEABLE program here.