How to Tap into Hope this Valentine's Day

So. We can know that the hype around February 14 is commercially driven, we can know that everyone is on their own timeline but … Valentine's Day can still be a tricky one to navigate if your love-life is not exactly where you'd like it to be.

That's the case if you are single or in a relationship.

In honour of this, today's podcast episode is a bit different. Tune in for a free guided meditation to connect with unconditional love and hope, and receive guidance from your own inner wisdom about how to love yourself at this time of year.

You are so loved,

… and big love is coming for you.

Click below to listen, or search my name in your fave podcast app. 


Click above or search “Ezzie Spencer” in Spotify, Apple, Google etc.

xo Ezzie


I have been single for over 7 years after a toxic relationship. I had tried all of the things - various manifesting techniques, visualisations, hypnosis, trauma healing, and more, and had given up on love completely. I didn't know what was wrong with me that I just wasn't attracting anyone. has instilled in me so much confidence that love is inevitable for me. It has deepened my self-love and self-trust in a profound way. I had become so full of disbelief that love was possible for me that I couldn't even conjure the feelings within me at the beginning. I can now feel in my cells that I am worthy of this and it is inevitable that incredible and aligned people want to date me.

Despite my current lockdown circumstances, I still have this undeniable belief that this is coming. I have seen glimpses of this when I started going on the apps and my attraction radar was going off, something that usually used to be as dry as the Sahara desert. — ANNIE