uncover secret barriers to love

Want to find out if you have any Unconscious Vows in love?

Today's podcast episode is a thought experiment designed to help you uncover any secret beliefs that are holding you back in love.

Lots of prompts for contemplation and journaling that may just unlock the clarity you need to take your love-life to the next level.

Click below to listen, or search my name in your fave podcast app.


Click above or search “Ezzie Spencer” in Spotify, Apple, Google etc.  

xo Ezzie


 re.love helped me to change within, to make that shift toward myself and self love without which, nothing would be changed in my external life. I would keep attracting unavailable men. And only after feeling in every cell of my body, the love I deserve, then life brought me the outer experience. 

[My new man] is soooo silly and natural and sensitive and wise and serious and caring and loving and silly again, and I am so grateful for him in my life. I feel so cherished and a love that I never experienced before. Wow and more wow, Ezzie! - ERA