“Did I Miss My Chance with My Soulmate?”

If you’ve ever wondered if you missed the chance with someone special because of something you said or did, then this week's podcast episode is for you.

I loved recording this episode because it gives direct insight into a private client session (details shared with her permission).

She came into the session beating herself up about what she said to an ex one night — and left feeling peace, calm and relaxation at the end, knowing that she was enough.

Tune in, as this is a practical dive into self-love and how to weave the unconscious into the light.

Click below to listen, or search my name in your fave podcast app.


Click above or search “Ezzie Spencer” in Spotify, Apple, Google etc.

xo Ezzie

P.S. I offer immersive 1:1 journeys for a very small number of clients via an application and interview process. You can apply here. For a simple and potent self-study option, start my LOVEABLE program here.


The perspective that you are sharing is unique and I feel like it is coming through even more potently this season. The new branding is amazing, but it's more than that, it feels like there is a new level of clarity and fire behind your words! - Leticia