Do you feel worthy of love?


It’s time to remember just how loveable you really are.

Want the exact process that I used to:

Release blocks to my self-worth

Learn unconditional love and self-acceptance

Feel ready to put myself out there again?



YES! Give me instant access to LOVEABLE for $97 USD




I’m Dr. Ezzie Spencer, your guide to cultivating self-love in relationships.

I understand how demoralising it can be to have experience after experience that leaves you feeling less-than and wondering what is wrong with you, especially when you don’t have a framework for self-love.

  • do you want to roll out of bed in the morning and feel good about yourself as your default setting?

  • do you wish to master the art of self-compassion and positive self-talk when life goes awry?

  • do you to wish to feel the natural hope bubbling up inside you that, healthy and kind, graceful, equal respectful and compassionate relationships ARE out there for you, the ones that you know deep down that you deserve?

Here for the first time ever, due to popular demand, is LOVEABLE, a simple self-study program that will help you cultivate unshakeable self-love and the knowing that you are worthy of high quality, healthy relationships.



Say goodbye to …

  • Thinking that you need to fix or change something about yourself to be cared for

  • Getting lost in negative thought spirals about true love not being possible for you

  • Feeling you are not good enough unless you can “prove” your worth to others.



When you purchase LOVEABLE you’ll receive:


Incredible audios inside your exclusive member portal …


Dive into self-esteem and self-worth, self-belief, self-compassion (what this looks like in practice), and setting intentions to care for your heart. These audios include a combination of talks, guided meditations, and guided next-steps.


A life-changing process which will help you surface and release any blocks that are holding you back from remembering your intrinsic value as a human, return you to your true state of self-love, and reset your love-life with integration and next steps. This is an epic block-release process that is available for you to use again and again.

PLUS Bonus heartwork templates —

Heartwork templates to use as journal pages to answer clear prompts and record guided experiences from the audio modules. These are absolute GOLD and will lead to mini-transformations with each answer.


Knowing that Love is Inevitable for Me

I have been single for over 7 years after a toxic relationship. I had tried all of the things - various manifesting techniques, visualisations, hypnosis, trauma healing, and more, and had given up on love completely. I didn't know what was wrong with me that I just wasn't attracting anyone.

LOVEABLE has instilled in me so much confidence that love is inevitable for me. It has deepened my self-love and self-trust in a profound way. I had become so full of disbelief that love was possible for me that I couldn't even conjure the feelings within me at the beginning. I can now feel in my cells that I am worthy of this and it is inevitable that incredible and aligned people want to date me.

Despite my current lockdown circumstances, I still have this undeniable belief that this is coming. I have seen glimpses of this when I started going on the apps and my attraction radar was going off, something that usually used to be as dry as the Sahara desert. 



please give me Loveable now


What’s inside:

  • Immediate access to member portal

  • Brilliant transformational audios

  • Bonus Heartwork templates

Your investment
$97 USD

Incredible value, get it now before the price goes up!



Your questions, answered.

  • LOVEABLE is a self-study program.

    You receive instant access and can move through all the pre-recorded audio modules at your own pace.

    If you’re interested in receiving higher-touch support from me, please check out my 1:1 offering.

  • Most people spend 3-4 hours working through the LOVEABLE content, listening to the audios and completing the Heartwork. Set aside a Sunday afternoon and change your life.

  • You receive immediate access after payment. If you realize in the first 24 hours after payment that LOVEABLE is not for you, you will receive a full refund (less any service charges). Full terms below.



I thought I was coming to you for dating advice, but you have literally blown my mind! I’d describe this as a process of recognising, acknowledging and accepting unconscious narratives that I’ve held onto and which have guided my actions and beliefs over my life, and then REPLACING these with the truth that I want as a foundation for my decisions in love.

- Beth