Dating in Your 20s vs 30s (and 60s!)

I had more fun dating in my thirties than any other time.

I was really hitting my stride when I met my guy, tee hee!

Whether you’re dating in your thirties, forties, fifties or sixties: in today’s episode, I dive into some of the gifts of dating with a bit more experience under your belt ;)

I see false scarcity kick in with many of my clients who haven’t hit a certain “milestone” by a certain age by which they earlier decided that they would be happily coupled up.

The truth? Whatever your age, you are not too late, you can shift back into an abundance mindset, you can find love.

One of my gorgeous grads, now in a happy relationship, just turned 70. 


Let’s unhook from the mainstream narratives, trust the timing and have FUN.

Bring. It. On.

Click below to listen, or search my name in your fave podcast app.


Click above or search “Ezzie Spencer” in Spotify, Apple, Google etc.

xo Ezzie

P.S. I offer immersive 1:1 journeys for a very small number of clients via an application and interview process. You can apply here. For a simple and potent self-study option, start my LOVEABLE program here.



Your catching phrase got my attention: It’s time for you to be pursued, adored and cherished. Because if not now, then when? - and it inspired me to write you my updates because this is exactly how I feel now for the last two years, since graduating

You helped me remember the True Feminine essence …. But my God, how just only a few of us really claim this gift naturally and live happy, adored and cherished. We have all seen those few women in our lives, but the rest of us don't think it’s for us … 

Ezzie, your program is a navigator, a map to that forgotten Garden of our true Feminine essence, to our Hearts.

Truth to be said, we need to be ready for that wake up call..but when you’re ready, everything changes and flies then. - Eva

free masterclass : overcoming inner barriers to love

I'm holding a free, live masterclass in 24 hours with my dear friend Mia Lux, CEO and Co-Founder of the hot new dating platform La Vette.

It's an online event on INNER BARRIERS TO LOVE.

For those of you following along, the learnings that informed Wheel 2 of the® method were learned live on the court in New York with none other than … Mia Lux!

I'm now a Community Leader inside La Vette's Evolution Center, and I'm so excited about her new platform because of how her virtual architecture has been designed from the ground-up to promote meaningful connection (think: anti-ghosting feature!).

To RSVP: Head here

Yes, there will be a replay for our masterclass if you register.

xo Ezzie

P.S. I offer immersive 1:1 journeys for a very small number of clients via an application and interview process. You can apply here. For a simple and potent self-study option, start my LOVEABLE program here.

how to receive without fear?

So many of the gorgeous women I work with are go-getters out there in the world (achievements, tick!).

They can do all day and give and give and give.

But inside their relationships?

They tend to find it harder to receive support, affection, and love.

There are heaps of reasons why we may find it difficult to receive. Fear is one.

If you have ever wondered how to receive without fear, then tune into today’s podcast episode to:

  1. Frame a powerful threshold question to ask yourself (safety)

  2. Why you might be accidentally gaslighting yourself.

  3. Try a self-love journaling practice to melt away fear.

Click below to listen, or search my name in your fave podcast app.


Click above or search “Ezzie Spencer” in Spotify, Apple, Google etc.

To your love,
xo Ezzie

P.S. Let's work together in 2023. Join the mastermind waitlist here. I also offer immersive 1:1 journeys for a very small number of women, plus a simple and potent self-study program here.


I am deliciously celebrating being in a loving, safe, fun, orgasmic, respectful and honest relationship, after being single for almost 8 years. I had given up on the idea that I could ever be met on the same level by a man, yet here he is, more magical than I could have imagined.

Going through twice completely got me back in the game and was the container for this love to come into my life and completely blow me away in all of the ways. Thank you Ezzie for this creation - Cindy

how to handle tricky Qs about past r'ships (even if you feel a bit embarrassed)

What to say if someone asks you tricky questions about your past relationships?

I mean Why are you still single … do you have to even answer that?!

No, of course not!

There is nothing wrong with you — your path is perfect!

Claim your truth, loud and proud. This episode includes communication scripts for exactly that.

Tune in for:

  1. Your quick and easy go-to answer

  2. How to claim your story in a real and powerful way

  3. What to say if you have been hurt in love.

Click below to listen, or search my name in your fave podcast app.


Click above or search “Ezzie Spencer” in Spotify, Apple, Google etc.

xo Ezzie

P.S. The way that I work is evolving in 2023; I’m so grateful to have coached so many women in recent years, and I’ll be offering just one small, higher-touch® mastermind in 2023 for women ready for love. Check out the revised FAQs and join the mastermind waitlist here. I also offer immersive 1:1 journeys for a very small number of women, plus a simple and potent self-study program here.


Dates are now flowing! And I’m actually finding it quite easy to filter people out, whereas I used to find it quite stressful. And with the guys that I have connected with, I’ve been really blown away by the openness, the curiosity, and the clarity about what they want. Historically the men I’ve dated haven’t wanted commitment, and now they are telling me they want to get married and have kids! It’s so nice! - Kat

what if they haven’t had a long term relationship by 30 … or 40?

Every day, I'm asked some variation of …

And what about this thing [in dating], is THIS a red flag?

I so get it. When you've been hurt in love, you don't want to put yourself in harm's way.

But I teach a different method than “red flag spotting” — an approach grounded in curiosity and your own inner wisdom.

There may be really good reasons why someone hasn't had a long-term relationship before.

You'll know when you ask.

In this episode, I give tips on how to open up the conversation.

When to ask?

How to ask?

What to pay attention to, in their answer?

And … What happens if you hear something you don’t like?

Click below to listen, or search my name in your fave podcast app.


Click above or search “Ezzie Spencer” in Spotify, Apple, Google etc.

xo Ezzie

P.S. The way that I work is evolving in 2023; I’m so grateful to have coached so many women in recent years, and I’ll be offering just one small, higher-touch® mastermind in 2023 for women ready for love. Check out the revised FAQs and join the mastermind waitlist here. I also offer immersive 1:1 journeys for a very small number of women, plus a simple and potent self-study program here.


I’ve started dating someone and I feel so confident to say what I need, and what is important to me. And in a compassionate way. Feels amazing!. - Julie

when's the right time to kiss?

Kiss when it feels right of course!

But let’s be honest, that can be hard to discern, especially when you’re dating with a serious goal in mind, like marriage/kids.

What if you’re heading back into the dating world after a (long) pause?

What if you tend to leap into a physical bond super fast to establish desire/approval?

What if you feel nervous meeting strangers from the internet?

When it is too soon?

And when might you be holding back unnecessarily?

If you’ve ever wondered about these questions, tune into today’s episode for my take.

It’s less about “wait two dates!” and more about questions to ask yourself to get clear on your own truth.

Click below to listen, or search my name in your fave podcast app.


Click above or search “Ezzie Spencer” in Spotify, Apple, Google etc.

xo Ezzie

P.S. The way that I work is evolving in 2023; I’m so grateful to have coached so many women in recent years, and I’ll be offering just one small, higher-touch® mastermind in 2023 for women ready for love. Check out the revised FAQs and join the mastermind waitlist here. I also offer immersive 1:1 journeys for a very small number of women, plus a simple and potent self-study program here.


By helping me to really tune in and understand myself, helped me to present myself in a way that resonated with who I am, so I can be 100% confident going into dating again. totally got me to shift my mindset, from blaming myself if things didn’t work out, to asking myself, what can I learn from this experience? So you know, meeting these different dudes and being okay with if things didn’t work out — instead of it being my fault. Really taking wins and losses as a lesson, and being able to apply those lessons to my next date.

Overall, just helped me to become less judgmental of others, and by extension, less judgmental of myself. I can be really strict on myself and has just allowed myself to be true to me. - Chiara

what does healthy pursuit look like?

Bus Stop is one of Marilyn Munroe’s critically acclaimed films.

She acts a treat, that is for sure … but the moral of the story, eeek!

We see a courageous young woman from a small town on a mission to Hollywood, paying her own way across the country …

… until she is “spotted” by a young man who decides he is going to take her back to his ranch, her dreams be dammed.

We see Marilyn's character repeatedly decline his advances, we watch her literally run away from him in public, as he continues to pursue her, right into her bedroom to wake her up one morning.

When she again declines his proposal and attempts to catch a bus out of town to escape him and carry on with her dreams …

… he literally throws a lasso around her and pulls her back to him as she attempts to board the bus.

A lasso.

Eventually, Marilyn's character rips up her dreams map to Hollywood. The screen goes dark as she heads to the ranch.

Even though this film is from the 1950s, IMO we cannot underestimate how older pop culture depictions of unhealthy pursuit still unconsciously imprint our psyches re: how ppl are supposed to behave if they like someone. All genders are affected.

The number of clients who come through my door in 2022 who are still scarred by this type of thinking tells the tale!

That can run the gamut of thinking that love-bombing = love …

… to wondering why a well-regulated, emotionally mature human no longer gets turned on by climbing Rapunzel's tower.

But then again, after #MeToo, what is healthy pursuit?

In these recent years of reworking social and gender norms, together with a major tech disruption of how we meet and mate…

IS THERE ANY WONDER that we might be confused about all this?

What DOES healthy pursuit look like in dating?

If you're curious about this for yourself, I offer questions for contemplation plus examples of healthy pursuit in today's episode.


Click above or search “Ezzie Spencer” in Spotify, Apple, Google etc.

x Ezzie

P.S. The way that I work is evolving in 2023; I’m so grateful to have coached so many women in recent years, and I’ll be offering just one small, higher-touch® mastermind in 2023 for women ready for love. Check out the revised FAQs and join the mastermind waitlist here. I also offer immersive 1:1 journeys for a very small number of women, plus a simple and potent self-study program here.


When I came into, I was grieving a 20 year pattern of toxic, unhealthy relationships with volatile, angry and emotionally unavailable men. I was grieving a very lonely and painful childhood. And most of all I was grieving the loss of myself. I was lonely, sad and angry and it felt like my heart was a hard rock in my chest. I was desperate for a change. And then the magic started.... I knew with every part of me that this program was meant for me and I had HOPE.

I started listening to the modules and following the prescription to a tee. The more I dug into the program, the more magical it became. I felt brighter, lighter and INSPIRED. As I completed the Heartwork, I completely surrendered to a journey of self love and expansion. My fears and unconscious beliefs of unworthiness began to dissolve.

Fast forward 12 weeks and today I feel ELATED, serene, and JOYFULLY CONNECTED to myself... it's like a deep burning flame of passion and love at the root of my very being. I embrace and embody the divine and delicious feminine within me. And finally, I am at home in my skin for the first time EVER. My unshakable foundation of abundant love for myself has finally created a clear pathway for me to attract the relationship of my dreams. is life changing and the best part is knowing this is just the beginning! Yes!!! - K, client.

what to do if they aren't (exactly) available?

Tori finally met the one she was calling in.

He shared her profession, he was emotionally mature, he wanted a globe-trotting life, he was super cosmic, she was catching feels …

Except that ...

He was focusing on building up his business. Like, super focused on that. He wasn't able to meet her where she was at, he said.


Maybe you've had this experience, meeting someone GREAT but,

They're not exactly available.

It's not as on-the-nose as “they have a partner”.

It's a little more tricky, how it shows up.

They might be single, but aren't ready for a relationship ...

Or not emotionally available, or no space for love

Or they might be absolutely perfect, but living somewhere else.

The temptation is to start convincing yourself ... and them ! ... that this is perfect, these feelings can't be ignored, maybe even trying to coach them through any blocks.

While it can work out, sure, this is a pretty risky approach.

It can mean that you lower your standards, delay your timeline ...

... all the while, entrenching a relational dynamic that may later lead to resentment.

If you're in this situation, you may wish to ask yourself:

Are you available?

Listen in today's episode to go a little deeper on that question.


Click above or search “Ezzie Spencer” in Spotify, Apple, Google etc.

And if you are available, then tune into today's episode for a simple framework to figure out what to do if you are available and they aren't, exactly.

You deserve it all.

Abundance baby,

x Ezzie

P.S. The way that I work is evolving in 2023; I’m so grateful to have coached so many women in recent years, and I’ll be offering just one small, higher-touch® mastermind in 2023 for women ready for love. Check out the revised FAQs and join the mastermind waitlist here. I also offer immersive 1:1 journeys for a very small number of women, plus a simple and potent self-study program here.


Thank you, Ezzie for your beautiful energy with, I feel I’m now in the flow and energy and trusting the ability to attract the most handsome compatible beloved man into my life! - Cathy

an update!

We're back with Season 5 and it felt like the right time to give a lil update on®, which I'm doing on the podcast today.

My vision is a world of open hearts, so I'm musing on the question:

How to most effectively realize this vision

... in a way that feels yummy and alive?

I sense that my word for 2023 might just be "evolving".

The good news is that this will mean more podcasts and sharing!


Click above or search “Ezzie Spencer” in Spotify, Apple, Google etc.

xo Ezzie

P.S. The way that I work is evolving in 2023; I’m so grateful to have coached so many women in recent years, and I’ll be offering just one small, higher-touch® mastermind in 2023 for women ready for love. Check out the revised FAQs and join the mastermind waitlist here. I also offer immersive 1:1 journeys for a very small number of women, plus a simple and potent self-study program here.


As we come to the end of the 12 weeks, I just feel peaceful and in full trust with all the work that we've done together in the container. When all the head noises and stuff coming up around dating — I'm just coming back to the feeling that it's all good. That this is sorted, I'm in alignment, I know what to do, it's all happening. It feels so nice to not be super heady about my love-life. I just feel peaceful and that’s invaluable. - Vicki

October 2022 Group Full!

This is the fifth gorgeous group that is full to the brim with amazing women ready for love.

I cap the group size so that I can ensure that each woman receives personal attention with me.

I’m evolving how I work in 2023 and will offer one high touch Mastermind experience.

My private coaching is sold out for 2022 but I have capacity for a small number of 1:1 clients in 2023.

If you are curious about and wish to review the program details now, click here.

And see client testimonials here.

Thank you for being here!

To your love in 2022.


P.S. Listen to my podcast and follow my Instagram for free love tips xo

Is Dating the Same as Looking for a Job?

Dating and looking for a job? Are they the same?

Well, one involves a money goal (or vocational purpose) — and let's hope the dating experience is more aimed at love!

So on one level no ...


We can share learnings about the job-seeking process in a way that can actually build your confidence in the new dating landscape.

For example, one of the biggest mistakes I see with my dating clients is that they give up too soon.

If you did that while job-seeking you would be broke!

So why short-change yourself in love?

There are critical skills and mindset-shifts that you learn in any successful job-seeking process that you can also apply to love.

In today's podcast episode, I take you through specific mindset shifts that will gift you a more enjoyable experience in dating.


Click above or search “Ezzie Spencer” in Spotify, Apple, Google etc.

As always, love to hear your thoughts, my DMs are open on Instagram (@ezziespencer).

You might be surprised to learn how much these shifts can help you build emotional resilience — and be the irresistable woman who has FUN in what can otherwise be a harsh dating landscape.

If you've ever been disappointed on the dating apps, this episode is for you.

x Ezzie

P.S. Registration for the next group journey closes on 2 October 2022, and you can start the curriculum ahead of time. If you are ready for love, then see details here.

How to Tell if They Are Avoidant — or Just Not Into Me?

A beautiful woman slipped into my Instagram DMs the other day.

“How can I tell if someone is avoidant or just not into me?”

My answer to her — does it matter?

Does it really matter what their attachment style is — or their starsign, human design or whatever?

What really matters in love is, does it work for you?

(Meaning, does their behavior, personality and style work for you).

The big Q: why is your gaze on them — and not on you?

This episode is for you if you've felt anxious or confused about someone's dating behaviour.

Tune into:

-  understand different attachment styles; and

-  learn how to gracefully ask the other person what's going on. 

This episode includes communication scripts you can use rightaway to move forwards — plus common errors to avoid.

This is one of the most juicy episodes I've ever recorded.

Love to hear your thoughts once you listen!


Click above or search “Ezzie Spencer” in Spotify, Apple, Google etc.

As always, love to hear your thoughts, my DMs are open on Instagram (@ezziespencer).

Love Ezzie

P.S. Registration for the next group journey closes on 2 October 2022, and you can start the curriculum ahead of time. If you are ready for love, then see details here.

SELF-LOVE AND A MAN WHO CHERISHES ME helped me to change within, to make that shift toward myself and self love without which, nothing would be changed in my external life. I would keep attracting unavailable men. And only after feeling in every cell of my body, the love I deserve, then life brought me the outer experience.

[My new man] is soooo silly and natural and sensitive and wise and serious and caring and loving and silly again, and I am so grateful for him in my life. I feel so cherished and a love that I never experienced before. Wow and more wow, Ezzie! - ERA

How is it Supposed to Feel — With the Right Person?

Wondering how is it supposed to feel is so normal — especially when you have done deep personal work in recent years, had a spiritual awakening, or upgraded your relationship goals.

The short answer? Listen to your body, trust yourself.

The longer answer? There are certain clues to look out for.

I'll go through two big 2 clues in this episode:

- what you DO want to be feeling
- what you probably DON'T want to be feeling.

Both are pretty revolutionary, if you are doing the deep work to shift lifetime(s) of old relational patterns that no longer serve.


Click above or search “Ezzie Spencer” in Spotify, Apple, Google etc.

As always, love to hear your thoughts, my DMs are open on Instagram (@ezziespencer).

Can't wait to hear your thoughts about this episode!

This episode may hit on quite a deep level. Tune in.

You deserve to be adored.

xo Ezzie

P.S. Registration for the next group journey closes on 2 October 2022, and you can start the curriculum ahead of time. If you are ready for love, then see details here.

Intentional Celibacy as a Pathway to Real Love

Intentional Celibacy is trending.

There's a good reason — a sacred pause can be a brilliant way to rewire your attraction patterns and attract high quality suitors.

So ...

What is it?

Why do it?

For how long?

How to best approach setting a period of sacred alone time?

Plus ...

How to get back onto the court, when you're ready? (eeek!).

I share a super juicy practice for this about 13 mins in.

Tune into today's episode for all the juicy goss on this important topic. I'm increasingly seeing that Intentional Celibacy is a key stage on my clients' journeys into delicious relationship!


Click above or search “Ezzie Spencer” in Spotify, Apple, Google etc.

As always, love to hear your thoughts, my DMs are open on Instagram (@ezziespencer).

Can't wait to hear your thoughts about this episode!

xo Ezzie

P.S. Registration for the next group journey closes on 2 October 2022, and you can start the curriculum ahead of time. If you are ready for love, then see details here.


I have been single for over 7 years after a toxic relationship. I had tried all of the things - various manifesting techniques, visualisations, hypnosis, trauma healing, and more, and had given up on love completely. I didn't know what was wrong with me that I just wasn't attracting anyone. has instilled in me so much confidence that love is inevitable for me. It has deepened my self-love and self-trust in a profound way. I had become so full of disbelief that love was possible for me that I couldn't even conjure the feelings within me at the beginning. I can now feel in my cells that I am worthy of this and it is inevitable that incredible and aligned people want to date me. - A

How to Meet People IRL Even If You Feel a Bit Awkward

While I'm a huge fan of dating apps (when done right), many of my clients are feeling the urge to meet people the old-fashioned-way too — in real life.

I love that!

I mean, why scrimp? Open up as many avenues as possible!

Today's episode is for you if you're wondering how to meet people in real life after a period of relying on the apps (or not meeting anyone at all).


Click above or search “Ezzie Spencer” in Spotify, Apple, Google etc.

As always, love to hear your thoughts, my DMs are open on Instagram (@ezziespencer).

In this episode, you'll discover:

- awesome places to meet people (which are working right now)
- a mindset shift that will help you get over the awks
- fun, simple ways to flirt and … how to assess their availability.

There's a renewed zest for meeting IRL right now, so if you're looking for love, you will want to take notes from this practical episode — and then take action!

xo Ezzie

P.S. Registration for the next group journey closes on 2 October 2022, and you can start the curriculum ahead of time. If you are ready for love, then see details here.

“What do I say at the end of the date … so they initiate the next one?”

But what do I SAY at the end of the date - so he initiates the next one?

The woman who asked me this was a go-getter who expressly wanted to learn how to embrace her feminine in love.

(Sidenote: my opinion is that there's no right or wrong dating/relating dynamic. It all comes down to what YOU want).

THIS beautiful woman had a habit of stepping into the driver's seat in her romantic relationships — and that dynamic was leaving her depleted.

She was clear that she wanted to establish a different dynamic in her romantic life but wasn't quite sure ... how.

What might it look like to "be in her feminine" while dating?

How might she indicate her interest, she wondered?

I gave her some super practical ideas, and she is now in the most delicious deeper dating dynamic (which works for her!)

Tune in to find out: what not to say, what to say, and why say it.


Click above or search “Ezzie Spencer” in Spotify, Apple, Google etc.

As always, love to hear your thoughts, my DMs are open on Instagram (@ezziespencer).

If you wish to invite masculine pursuit, listen to this episode.

Explore, experiment, do you!

xo Ezzie

P.S. Registration for the next group journey closes on 2 October 2022, and you can start the curriculum ahead of time. If you are ready for love, then see details here.

“But I Don't Know Where I'll Be” …Can You Find Love When You Don’t Know Where You'll Settle?

Remote work: Once for the fringe-dwellers, now mainstream. It's not possible for all professions of course, but maybe it is for you.

The choice is great.

So many possibilities for where to live, how to set up your life.

And ...

Will you find love when you don't yet know where you'll be?

Is love even possible in these circumstances? (Yes!).

In this episode, I guide you through a 3-step process to gain clarity, belief, and confidence in communication with suitors.


Click above or search “Ezzie Spencer” in Spotify, Apple, Google etc.

As always, love to hear your thoughts, my DMs are open on Instagram (@ezziespencer).

I can't wait to hear how this episode helps you to move forwards!

xo Ezzie

P.S. Registration for the next group journey closes on 2 October 2022, and you can start the curriculum ahead of time. If you are ready for love, then see details here.

How to Date Multiple People (Even if You Think that is Impossible or Weird)

After a summer hiatus, we're back with Season 4 of the podcast!

This is such a juicy season, kicking off with the question ...

How to handle multiple suitors?!

In this episode we cover:

- what rotational dating is (and isn't)
- why do it (this may surprise you!)
- how to do it elegantly (graceful communication alert!).

This episode is for you if you feel some resistance about the idea of having "multiple loops" open at any time ...

... and also if you feel like you don't know where to start with this approach ("omg one is enough!").

Mastering the mindset behind this approach heralded a major breakthrough in my own dating life. Hello, courtship!


Click above or search “Ezzie Spencer” in Spotify, Apple, Google etc.

As always, love to hear your thoughts, my DMs are open on Instagram (@ezziespencer).

xo Ezzie

P.S. Registration for the next group journey closes on 2 October 2022, and you can start the curriculum ahead of time. If you are ready for love, then see details here.

June 2022 group sold-out!

And again, our beautiful group is full before the close date!

I cap the group size so that I can ensure that each woman receives personal attention.

I also LOVE when women listen to their intuition, and just jump in when it is a match for them.

… this bodes very, very well for your success in dating and relationships!

I have not scheduled another group yet, but I will, and it will likely be in late 2022.

I will announce dates to my email newsletter first, so if you are not on that, please do sign up now!

Join interest list here

If you are curious about and wish to connect with me or secure your spot for a future group now, click here.

Thank you for being here!

To your love in 2022.


P.S. Listen to my podcast and follow my Instagram for love tips xo

all women welcome 🎧

Wow, an amazing week chatting with so many of you! Our gorgeous group is just about full, so doors will close early.

We have just 1 spot remaining. Will you jump in?

If you are curious, you may wish to listen to THIS PODCAST EPISODE, a conversation with the magical Elisa.

Elisa is an incredible coach and graduate of

In our conversation, Elisa speaks candidly about her hesitations before entering the program …

… was this just a heteronormative container?

… what about those with intersecting identities?

I welcomed Elisa's hesitations and was excited to jam about her journey (through the Mists of Avalon!) into calling in delicious love that was perfectly aligned with HER unique love blueprint.

Elisa is now a mentor inside the program!! Lucky ducks in this upcoming program, as Elisa has so much wisdom to share!

Tune into the latest podcast episode to hear Elisa speak about her experiences and bathe in her soothing energy.


Click above or search “Ezzie Spencer” in Spotify, Apple, Google etc.

x Ezzie

P.S. You're invited to join us in the coaching program. DOORS CLOSE when that final spot is are taken, which will be before the official close date of 12 June. Nearly full! Details here