

I had been following Ezzie for a while because I loved her book. After the first call, I felt a powerful shift in my very core and truest self and felt myself opening up to true love and something bigger than I have ever experienced. I met someone almost immediately. Now months, later this person and I are exclusive and experiencing and building a loving, safe, secure relationship. We are engaged and planning our wedding in January 2024. Ezzie is magic, and she will bring out that same magic in you that may be buried deep due to past pain and fears. She will help you free yourself and seek what is meant for you, without fear. — KATHERINE

LISTEN to my full podcast episode with Katherine, here


After reLove, my life has come into absolute abundance. I’m engaged to the man of my dreams, we travel regularly and now I’m nearly 4 months pregnant. - re.love client


re.love fundamentally changed my life — initially I signed up hoping that it would help me “unfreeze” my heart. Due to some unpleasant experiences I had lost the ability to feel love. I was simply stuck in my incapability to get the tiniest warm feeling in my chest - not for life, not for myself, not for my adorable nephew or my cherished kitty-cat. I would have been perfectly content if re.love only solved that issue for me, but Ezzie’s magical program just went above and beyond: I was able to re-access that warm and delicious feeling of love after the first week. Then I went on to trusting myself more, treating myself so much better, being emotionally more resilient and just feeling luminously happy in life.

Before I started re.love I estimated that it would take me quite a while to feel like dating again. So I didn’t expect anything in that regard from the program and was surprised when after just two months I actually felt ready to go out and date and meet someone.

I used to think: "who am I to meet the guy who really fits me" ? I met him almost on the first try. I have never been in a relationship as good as this. We’re now engaged and getting married in 2024!! I am so happy. Thank you, I am sure it would not have happened without re.love" - B


My experience working with Ezzie was incredibly transformative, fun, and so so worth it! I joined re.love because I would like to have kids soon and I was looking to meet someone who felt like they could potentially be my life partner. Which I did! He's kind, compassionate, warm, creative, committed to our future together, really everything I was looking for.

But the program had so much more than that in store for me as well. I'm someone who has always struggled with self worth and self love -- I knew intellectually that I deserved love, but I didn't feel that way deep inside myself. re.love completely changed this. I feel like I can access a store of love and compassion inside of myself that I've never felt before, and it has transformed all aspects of my life, not just dating/relationships.

On top of all of this, the program is fun. I really looked forward to doing the exercises, and I started to feel a lot of joy and lightness in the process. I can't recommend this program enough, and I feel like it was really worth the time and money that I spent on it. - Janelle



[Before joining], I wanted to know how accessible the program would be …  I hesitated to ask you what was your capacity as a guide Dr. Ezzie, to navigate and hold my experiences, as someone who is racialized, of mixed race, and who has a sexual orientation that may not be the mainstream … I wondered about your capacity to hold that and guide that … [When I asked you about this, before joining] you spoke to this so beautifully from your heart , and I felt comfortable and confident that you were able to hold complexity around intersectionality of identity, irregardless of whether it was your own. During re.love, I didn’t feel othered or invisible or had to minimize my love wounds or love stories that may have been impacted by my identities … I felt your presence on my journey, that you were so available to support whatever it was that needed to be midwifed and doula’d and cared about. - Elisa

WATCH MY FULL VIDEO INTERVIEW with Elisa here, this specific discussion at the 27min mark


When I came into re.love, I was grieving a 20 year pattern of toxic, unhealthy relationships with volatile, angry and emotionally unavailable men. I was grieving a very lonely and painful childhood. And most of all I was grieving the loss of myself. I was lonely, sad and angry and it felt like my heart was a hard rock in my chest. I was desperate for a change. And then the magic started.... I knew with every part of me that this program was meant for me and I had HOPE.

I started listening to the modules and following the re.love prescription to a tee. The more I dug into the program, the more magical it became. I felt brighter, lighter and INSPIRED. As I completed the re.love Heartwork, I completely surrendered to a journey of self love and expansion. My fears and unconscious beliefs of unworthiness began to dissolve.

Fast forward a few months and today I feel ELATED, serene, and JOYFULLY CONNECTED to myself... it's like a deep burning flame of passion and love at the root of my very being. I embrace and embody the divine and delicious feminine within me. And finally, I am at home in my skin for the first time EVER. My unshakable foundation of abundant love for myself has finally created a clear pathway for me to attract the relationship of my dreams.

re.love is life changing and the best part is knowing this is just the beginning! Yes!!! - re.love client


Ezzie, I wanted to share that I’ve been in a committed, amazing, exactly-what-I’ve-been-looking-for relationship. I’m SOOO grateful for everything you taught me as the relationship is more than anything I could have ever dreamed. Thank you again and hope you’ve been well! Love Steph xx


I am so grateful for my experience with you in 2020! It totally transformed my love life.

I never felt so at ease and optimistic even when a promising relationship ended and the dating continued for some more.

It has been so vastly different experience than all my single girlfriends have had. I wish they all could be ready for re.love.

I’m now in the most incredible relationship and can’t really believe how great a partner this person is to me! I have never felt anyone else love and appreciate all of me like this!

We just moved in together and are both starting new jobs this fall, so a new chapter is beginning for us. After having a very pleasant job, but one not truly aligned with my values, this new one is finally a huge step towards what I have been looking for for a long time! I am so excited and happy!

I hope you are well and are guiding more and more women through this magical transformation! I keep following you as I try to share your wisdom with my friends. - P


re-love has been so life-changing for me and continues to be as I continue to put into practice the re-love framework in different areas of my life.

Firstly, I am enjoying a beautiful, soul-aligned, heart-centred, divinely-inspired loving connection with Lovely Man. Just wow! I have to regularly pinch myself, as he just keeps showing up in the ways that I expressly detailed in my Heartwork docs. The way he talks to me and what he says is like he's reading directly out of my spreadsheet...and then some! It's quite amazing. This brings a smile to my face and joy to my heart every day, literally. As if I needed any further proof of the magic, I frequently get 11.11 synchronicities related to him in my life...like when I see the last time that he was online in WhatsApp? I'll see his name with '11.11 am' under it! 😀 Re-love magic, right there!

I recognise that this relationship is a direct manifestation from my heart and creating the high vibe love field in my life that has been made possible by doing the inner work, guided through re-love. My biggest takeaway has been to develop the trust and love for my heart, my Self, and to really cement in the daily practices that work for me to reconnect to my heart, my inner voice, my inner guide. Through these practices I am able to choose love everyday and to open to the possibilities and magic to create the life I most desire, my soul's purpose.

It's a work in progress and it's not always easy, as I navigate daily life as a full-time working parent with two daughters and a PhD to progress, but it is absolutely possible and I'll keep showing up to do my best! 💯 There are lots of other beautiful awakenings stirring as a result of the heart work, particularly in the area of my magnetic life and bigger visions for what I want to do and be in the world. I am actively working on creating my best, most soul-aligned life with the re-love framework and resources. - Rachel.


I’m celebrating 5 months of laughter, security, trust, vulnerability, growth, fun and so many other good things from sinking into relationship with [my man] (this time has flown, it was such a surprise when I did the count back to when we first met via Hinge in August!) ...

For me it’s been SO helpful just thinking about the whole process as taking one little step after another (does it feel good now to stay over/meet his kids/meet his parents/invite him to this thing/go with him to that thing/share something vulnerable/etc) without projecting too far ahead, having clarity about the blocks I have within myself that I’m reprogramming, and being able to identify what’s core to pay attention to (my personal and relationship values, keycards, feelings!), and what’s peripheral (3Vs).

Tuning into my body, the thing that has been so consistent since the very first few dates is that when I think about him, I always have the feeling of wanting to see him/be wrapped in his arms because it feels so good and easy ...

This past weekend I was doing my final scan as we hung out together – ‘do I have any questions for Ezzie..?’ The more I scanned, the more I realised, our feelings are really deep and I’m in something wonderful!

So this is my celebration – I have worked through so much about myself, and have such confidence in the re.love framework and my skills at applying it, that I feel so capable – I have no question!!! Thanks so much Ezzie - Sally


I am deliciously celebrating being in a loving, safe, fun, orgasmic, respectful and honest relationship, after being single for almost 8 years after a toxic relationship. I had given up on the idea that I could ever be met on the same level by a man, yet here he is, more magical than I could have imagined. re.love was the container for this love to come into my life and completely blow me away in all of the ways. Thank you Ezzie for this creation- Cindy


The relationship with [my man] is continuing to deepen and expand in so many aligned, juicy, meaningful and proud ways! I manifested a trip to Puerto Vallerta for us, and the intimacy is like nothing I have had before. So happy!


I'm so happy to be in a nourishing romantic relationship after a decade... I dated and had relationships in between, but they always had some painful, ambiguous edge to them. I was SO ready to be embraced by big love. I took the leap of joining re.love, and the bigger leap of putting myself back out there in an intentional way. Right away, I met my now boyfriend. He’s everything I put in my Heartwork and more, which is astonishing and magic and beautiful. He’s the gentle, masculine man I’ve been dreaming about and our romantic intent is crystal clear.

re.love helped me melt away the remaining rigidity I was experiencing around my pursuit of love, which was my self-protection measure in my last years of dating. I'm at peace and beyond grateful to soften into receiving love. - Liz


As we come to the end of the curriculum, I just feel peaceful and in full trust with all the work that we've done together in the re.love container. When all the head noises and stuff coming up around dating — I'm just coming back to the feeling that it's all good. That this is sorted, I'm in alignment, I know what to do, it's all happening. It feels so nice to not be super heady about my love-life. I just feel peaceful and that’s invaluable. - Vicki


Your catching phrase got my attention: It’s time for you to be pursued, adored and cherished. Because if not now, then when? - and it inspired me to write you my updates because this is exactly how I feel now for the last two years, since graduating re.love……

So my life with [my man] is easy, comfortable and fun. We each are living in our own places but see each other quite often and in touch a few times a day when are not together. If I’m not at his place, I always wake up from his text wishing me good morning and he’s checking in me during a day (he mostly initiate contacts, though I do to time to time :)

What I’m saying- that dynamic is floating from him toward me where I am a grateful receiver of his love and affection.

On September 3d we celebrated my 70th bday with 40 guests and 3 of my grandchildren( his family and mine and a few friends) at club house where everything, and I mean every freaking details was taken care by him. Catering and cake and booze and music and decoration and photographer …

He did an awesome job to make me feel loved and cherished. He surprised me( and all guests) with funny presentation of My life story with pictures and comments. It was hilarious and very touching. On the next morning he gave me a card and David Yurman ring, which I love a lot. It was a great touch, wait until next morning when there were no rush and got me by surprise big time.

Now we’re preparing to our European river cruise which we booked in January and its getting closer and closer to the date now. So looking forward to that adventure ( and not a small detail that he paid for all trip and upgraded cabin to veranda one, which cost literally 10th thousands of dollars). I’m saying that generosity is a big part of being admired and cherished. Of course everyone has a different financial comfort zone but when you’re quite mature( as we are) financial stability and generosity is a part of the “package”

Wow, Im impressed even with my writing about things, not to mentioned how it all make me happy to LIVE it!!!

You helped me remember the True Feminine essence which each of us posses just because we were born into this world as a WOMAN…. But my God, how just only a few of us really claim this gift naturally and live our truth as a happy, adored and cherished by a right man… we have all seen those few women in our lives … but the rest of us don't think it’s for us … it’s for those lucky few. Ezzie, your re.love program is a navigator, a map to that forgotten Garden of our true Feminine essence, to our Hearts.

Truth to be said, we need to be ready for that wake up call..but when you’re ready, everything changes and flies then. - Eva.


"I used to think that I was late to the game of love ... now after re.love, I know I know that the game starts when you find someone to start with!!" - Roxanne


I feel really amazing when I’m in my natural feminine state, my natural feminine aura. I can operate in a masculine way, especially as a business-owner right? While that masculine energy helps me in that entrepreneur capsule, in my dating life, I want to present myself in this soft manner, where my man can can can easily just live in his masculine. Having that polarity between us!

re.love helped me learn and understand how to live in that in that space in that way. And the results have been great.

If anything, it now seems like I’m honey, and all these bees are attracted to me, which is its own set of problems in a way!! It can feel overwhelming, but I’m learning how to be with that too. Just because people want to text me or take me on a date. I don’t have to respond immediately, right? I can take my time and again that’s just part of being in my feminine.

I receive. Well, I can choose to receive or I can choose not to receive right, I don’t have to say yes to everything, especially if it doesn’t feel right. I know that soon I’ll be talking to you about how I’ve been proposed to. I really feel that I’ve gone to that next level. As I date with this sweet aura, my feminine energy. Yeah. It’s just a matter of time! - CHIANA


re.love was a magical experience for me. I transformed my whole life — not just the dating aspect of it. Never before have I felt so confident and calm about dating. re.love gave me superb tools to approach it with just the right state of mind. After multiple years of not really seeing anyone, and feeling horrible about it, I really showed up to the work, started taking daily actions with Ezzie's guidance and even more, completely shifted my mindset around dating. re.love pushed me in all the right ways, and Ezzie gave me as much support as I needed in each step. No one has ever given me such useful advice around dating as Ezzie. I felt joyful and excited, took care of myself in a beautiful way and even started dating during the [COVID-19] lockdown! At the end of the program, I met someone who really amazes me and vice versa so now I am letting that connection unfold naturally!BERRY


re.love helped me to change within, to make that shift toward myself and self love without which, nothing would be changed in my external life. I would keep attracting unavailable men. And only after feeling in every cell of my body, the love I deserve, then life brought me the outer experience.

[My new man] is soooo silly and natural and sensitive and wise and serious and caring and loving and silly again, and I am so grateful for him in my life. I feel so cherished and a love that I never experienced before. Wow and more wow, Ezzie! - ERA


I feel a renewed sense of self after re.love. I'm feeling happy and in tune with my needs, wants and desires. The re.love material supported me to regain my self-worth. I now have a true, internal knowing that I deserve and am worthy of love, in an equal loving relationship, and won't settle for less. (This was a huge learning for me, to recognise the old dating patterns and giving far too much of myself in a relationship, to the point of exhaustion). My confidence in all aspects of my life has shifted for the better too, an internal knowing that "I've got this!". - Kristy


"The incredible caring supporting trusting space that we meet within is precious." - Felicity


“I made transformational shifts in my dating journey. I now clearly know what I want and do not waste time and energy in a “no match”. The re.love wheel is a useful tool for me to see where I am in my dating journey and not to dwell in fantasies too soon.” - JHC


For me re.love was as much learning about myself, as learning how to attract others. I feel it’s a way of life, acknowledging and believing in my own worthiness. Almost everyday something happens where I reflect on what I’ve learnt in re.love! - Daniela


I am still with the man I started to date at the end of the re.love program. We’re getting stronger :) it’s been already more than 6 months since we started to see each other. He initiates all of our activities and plans our dates. Shows me how he enjoys me and I loooove it:) We’re already in a committed relationship (something he was not sure in the beginning, if you remember it) and it wasn’t because of me. He is the one who speaks about a relationship, I don’t touch this subject at all. As always, I am very grateful for all support and help you offered me on this path of discovering, accepting and loving myself, which I am on.


Before commencing re.love, I was feeling confused and doubted whether I could experience the romantic love I was wanting. After my marriage separation, 5 years prior, I was still running with the inner monologue of "needing to prove or show to others that I was worthy of love".

Dr Ezzie and her re.love program has been transformational and life affirming for me. It has helped me to break down the stages of attraction, has taught me to dance in my own abundant (life) garden, assisted me to identify what it is that I actually desire from a romantic relationship, and has enabled me to find the clarity and most importantly the words to communicate out loud my likes and wants to others.

re.love filtrates every part of life — my work as a psychologist, the connection with my children, ex-husband, my extended family and friends are all benefiting from the changes they are noticing. I have become more confident and more magnetic and the only personal cost to me was to make the time in my busy schedule to learn Dr Ezzie's re.love method which is essentially a pathway to greater self-love and secure attachment.

Dr Ezzie gave me the embodiment tools to activate my own magnetic power and to notice that "my beloved" was already within my grasps and for helping me to fine tune my ideas and beliefs about romantic relationships. I can’t thank you enough, Ezzie! What an amazing and unique program you are offering. - re.love client, 47


I felt like I want to be a witness, the one, who can say how delicious my life now… because two years ago I stepped in for myself and made decision to buy a program, which helped me to discover that girl/ woman, who was ready to be discovered. I’m the best advocate for re.love :)

My life with [my man, who I met during re.love] is delicious. We still live in our respective homes (which is the best for now for both of us). But we’re the Unit, we are US, we created it step by step, we integrated in each other lives, families, friends. We are the majority for each other. He is planning all our many activities, and I am inspiring him. He called my “My Contessa”.. and I like it:)

We’re going for two weeks to Florida in March and [my man] booked for us Viking river cruise from Paris to Prague ( with extra days in Paris) in October….All I can say: Wow… I love my life… And thank you, Ezzie! - re.love client.


-The overall resource that the Heartwork became. The way the curriculum built and flowed. The place to put down all the thoughts/feelings and EXPRESS all of these feelings, the headline problems (to really honour those) and then the cured states (to actually have a place and FEELING to shift TO!). It challenged me to dig deep and I valued this so very much - it gave me real, tangible inner shifts. The way ALL of life is included in it - priorities, self-care, friendships, values, boundaries etc. with tangible actions and clear frameworks that make things SIMPLE, and how those are the foundations. Yum, yum. It made previous work I've done SO much more clear, simple, profound, useful.

-The beautiful, beautiful rooting in my own essence. This felt like such sweet relief because it wasn't about anything external, or any external concept, and it brought in an element of trust that felt sweet and needed. I related a LOT to this module talking about the feminine wound and collective patterning - this felt deeply accurate to me, illuminating, and made sense of everything in my past, since I've not had a toxic relationship personally but absolutely had an internalisation of scarcity, competition (being chosen!!), and needing a partner for security/survival. I loved the infinite feeling of this Love Potion, the peace, the brightness, just pure essence.

-The material is amazing - I think you know, but it is so much more holistic, deep, and tangible. There are REAL resources that make a difference with practice. Resources you go back to, really USE, and that are simple to incorporate into the every-day. The opening of the course (the story of A, B and C), and all of the audios are brilliant - relatable, practical, affirming, full of encouragement and reassurance. They made me feel so understood, valued, and seen in a way I've been longing for when it comes to relationship and union. — MARY


I have done a lot of personal development and spiritual work, and had been feeling disconnected from all of the self-responsibility/ blame, self-righteousness and bypassing so rife in these spaces. So I didn't want to commit to just another program that told me how much of myself I had to fix before I was worthy of having what I wanted.

I have been following you for a little while on Insta and re.love caught my eye. I was hesitant, but I knew there was something in here for me and boy oh boy am I glad I followed that nudge. What I have received is gentle, grounded guidance, founded in embodiment and such simplicity. Exactly what I needed. I really from the bottom of my heart appreciate this work Ezzie and I'm so grateful I followed the call to join this 12 week program. - re.love client


After re.love I am in the place I always wanted to be, with the partner, who is absolutely unique and who is able to open me to the light and cheerful and silly part of myself, which I don’t remember ever experienced. We laugh so much, o my! And also he is that rare type of men who has an access to his emotions, can recognize them and recognizing my emotional state to the T.

He introduced me to his extended family and friends and my daughter and grandkids met him already. Tomorrow we are together going to [—}, where my daughter live for my oldest grandson 9th Birthday party. [My man] booked hotel, we’ll stay overnight and will go for breakfast with whole family next morning. This will be first time I bring someone on the family event like that. Huge step for me.

And on the top of all of that, [my man] booked yesterday our vacation in October in St.Marleen, beautiful ocean view suite, tickets… wow!

I am speechless, grateful and humble. And it’s all happening because I was able to raise to that level, to learn to love and accept myself in all and every part. And you, Ezzie was my Captain on this re.love Journey. Thank you my dear, from the bottom of my heart. - re.love client


I have been single for over 7 years after a toxic relationship. I had tried all of the things - various manifesting techniques, visualisations, hypnosis, trauma healing, and more, and had given up on love completely. I didn't know what was wrong with me that I just wasn't attracting anyone.

re.love has instilled in me so much confidence that love is inevitable for me. It has deepened my self-love and self-trust in a profound way. I had become so full of disbelief that love was possible for me that I couldn't even conjure the feelings within me at the beginning. I can now feel in my cells that I am worthy of this and it is inevitable that incredible and aligned people want to date me.

Despite my current lockdown circumstances, I still have this undeniable belief that this is coming. I have seen glimpses of this when I started going on the apps and my attraction radar was going off, something that usually used to be as dry as the Sahara desert.  — ANNIE


Coming into re.love, I thought it would be so much work, 8 modules, 8 principles to memorize and apply — but I love that it’s not that. It is just EASY. I am simply changing on the inside, it’s effortless and I don’t even need to exactly remember what it is. it just feels really great. —SAVANNAH.


Hello Ezzie, just wanted to tell you last night I went dancing with my cousin and I felt so much more confident, amplified and delicious than ever before. I was told: You are absolutely stunning. You are a GODDESS ....literally!! To be in a room with new people and the first impression I make is "You are a goddess" is absolutely delightful and I felt like a wink from the universe. I thought you would enjoy this evidence of transformation as a testimony to your work!! — SUSIE


re.love is the best choice of the summer, the year, the decade. ELISA


Thank you, Ezzie for your beautiful energy with re.love and Love Potion #9, I feel I’m now in the flow and energy and trusting the ability to attract the most handsome compatible beloved man into my life! - Cathy


re.love is practical AND magical! I know myself so much better, and I’ve got new clarity and confidence with sparking and exploring connections in my search for love. Your wisdom during the calls is so personalised and golden. Thanks Ezzie, it’s been a life changer! — SALLY


I was fresh out of a break-up when I began Ezzie's re.love. The program allowed me to unpack a lot of what was going on with the relationship in that moment; critically, it quelled my anxiety and then centered my focus back on my own self worth. Ezzie pulled me out of the depths of my broken heart and confusion and into myself again. The benefits are ongoing. I have attracted an abundance of suitors, yes, but the best one - I feel like I am back in the driver's seat of my own heart. What a gift. — JENNYFER


This is so gentle, so subtle — but really it’s so big. Just in the first week, I’ve seen profound shifts in all my relationships, and most importantly, the relationship with myself. I’ve done other things and there’s been pages and pages of work. re.love is different. It’s not overwhelming. This is very simple, and I know where to keep my focus. — LAURA  


Dates are now flowing! And I’m actually finding it quite easy to filter people out, whereas I used to find it quite stressful. And with the guys that I have connected with, I’ve been really blown away by the openness, the curiosity, and the clarity about what they want. Historically the men I’ve dated haven’t wanted commitment, and now they are telling me they want to get married and have kids! It’s so nice! — KAT


I’ve started dating someone and I feel so confident to say what I need, and what is important to me. And in a compassionate way. Feels amazing! — JULIE


I’m back with my ex and he’s showing up in a whole new way than he did last year. He never used to send me such sweet text messages in the morning checking in on me. He’s treating me like a QUEEN!! I’m like; is this the same person?! re.love is helping me to create the exact relationship that I want. — ELSPETH


I’m attracting such great men, finally setting boundaries with my mother and standing up for myself in the family, and attracting such great collaboration opportunities too. I wouldn’t have been able to make such huge shifts in my life without re.love. — SARAH


It’s so amazing to share what is happening for me, and the truth of how I’m actually feeling, in a space that is so far beyond non-judgey — and have you shine a light on what is really going on with me and men, and show me exactly how to move me through it. — SAVANNAH


The re.love process has gifted me with a deep, unshakable love for myself that makes dating easy and fun again! -re.love client


A year ago today my heart was broken [Valentine's Day 2020]. re.love supported me at that hard moment and taught me how to move on. It showed me the map, the road back to myself. To learn again how to feel my feelings, how to accept with love and compassion ALL parts of self, especially the ones, which felt insecure, and undeserving to be loved. Oh my dear, what a ride it was.....My heart is full of warm sincere gratitude ....Thank you, Ezzie for supporting, for sharing your heart and knowledge and love and your incredible smile with me. And here is another Valentines Day. I am writing to you before going to be picked up by [my man] in a few hours. He booked a room in the Marriott downtown for us to chill up there and relax before going to dinner in the nice restaurant later on, which he booked. I feel so loved and cherished. He already mailed me a Valentine card, which I got yesterday and it’s already made me feel like a million dollar prize. What a difference one year can make. Be happy, love and be loved! — EVA


“Ezzie, I've had you as a companion with me for the last couple of weeks! I've been listening to your podcast episodes and I wanted to say a big THANK YOU for your work on this topic.

I’m re-entering the dating world after a 10 year relationship and am totally new to dating via the apps!

What I've been doing is having an encounter with someone, and then listening to one of your episodes, which activates a realisation within me - which I then use as a frame to work with on my next encounter, so that I’m feeling more & more aligned in WHO I’m attracting & how I feel dating. It's been REALLY helpful and very expansive.

I feel like I've had a friend with me every step along the journey, which has made the entire journey more fun & as a fellow coach I’ve appreciated the opportunity for deeper self-growth & love. So, I wanted to say thank you!!" - Leticia Ringe