why we need to reject this feminine dating myth

Something that upsets me is how many of my gorgeous, brilliant, magical women clients have been brainwashed by old-fashioned tropes about what it means “to be feminine” in love.

It's not the “feminine” part that upsets me — it's those old cliches about “how the feminine should act so the masculine wants her" that translate into women feeling they have to be passive in love.


That’s the fast-track to giving away your power … and missing out on the love you want.

In this week’s new podcast episode, I share more about what feminine power might actually look like in a dating context.

This topic gets me feisty…

Tune in below to listen, or search in your fave podcast app.


Click above or search “Ezzie Spencer” in Spotify, Apple, Google etc.  

xo Ezzie

P.S. I offer immersive 1:1 journeys for a very small number of clients via an application and interview process. You can apply here. For a simple and potent self-study option, start my LOVEABLE program here now.


re.love fundamentally changed my life — initially I signed up hoping that it would help me “unfreeze” my heart. Due to some unpleasant experiences I had lost the ability to feel love. I was simply stuck in my incapability to get the tiniest warm feeling in my chest - not for life, not for myself, not for my adorable nephew or my cherished kitty-cat. I would have been perfectly content if re.love only solved that issue for me, but Ezzie’s magical program just went above and beyond: I was able to re-access that warm and delicious feeling of love after the first week. Then I went on to trusting myself more, treating myself so much better, being emotionally more resilient and just feeling luminously happy in life.

 Before I started re.love I estimated that it would take me quite a while to feel like dating again. So I didn’t expect anything in that regard from the program and was surprised when after just two months I actually felt ready to go out and date and meet someone.

 I used to think: "who am I to meet the guy who really fits me" ? I met him almost on the first try. I have never been in a relationship as good as this. We're moving in together in the summer. I still can't quite believe it. I wouldn't be in this place without re.love - B