dating after a narcissist

goop just published my article on finding love after you've dated a narcissist.

You can read the piece in goop here.

The TLDR : you are not doomed after a toxic relationship. 

You can restore self-trust, and learn how to reconnect with your intuition, move forward, and find delicious healthy love.

I also recorded an audio version in this week’s podcast too, with several practical tips on how to navigate the dating scene with exquisite self-care if you've had this initiation-of-a-lifetime.

Click below to listen, or search my name in your fave podcast app.


Click above or search “Ezzie Spencer” in Spotify, Apple, Google etc.   

 xo Ezzie


When I came into, I was grieving a 20 year pattern of toxic, unhealthy relationships with volatile, angry and emotionally unavailable men. I was grieving a very lonely and painful childhood. And most of all I was grieving the loss of myself. I was lonely, sad and angry and it felt like my heart was a hard rock in my chest. I was desperate for a change. And then the magic started.... I knew with every part of me that this program was meant for me and I had HOPE. 

I started listening to the modules and following the prescription to a tee. The more I dug into the program, the more magical it became. I felt brighter, lighter and INSPIRED. As I completed the Heartwork, I completely surrendered to a journey of self love and expansion. My fears and unconscious beliefs of unworthiness began to dissolve. 

Fast forward 12 weeks and today I feel ELATED, serene, and JOYFULLY CONNECTED to myself... it's like a deep burning flame of passion and love at the root of my very being. I embrace and embody the divine and delicious feminine within me. And finally, I am at home in my skin for the first time EVER. My unshakable foundation of abundant love for myself has finally created a clear pathway for me to attract the relationship of my dreams. is life changing and the best part is knowing this is just the beginning! Yes!!! 

- client