The 3 Types of Love Blocks

Love Blocks don’t mean that you are doomed.

On the contrary, figuring out you have a love block is cause for celebration!

Okay, that sounds weird. Why celebrate?

Because correctly identifying what is blocking you means that you can swiftly address it.

In today’s podcast episode, we identify the 3 main love blocks that I see with my clients.

These blocks might come up at any stage in dating and relationship. But when you melt these away, the more ease you’ll have in your love-life.

This applies whether you are single, dating or yes — even in relationship and wanting to go deeper.

Do you feel blocked in love? Do you relate to, 1, 2 or 3? 

Click below to listen, or search my name in your fave podcast app. 


Click above or search “Ezzie Spencer” in Spotify, Apple, Google etc.

xo Ezzie

P.S. I offer immersive 1:1 journeys for a very small number of clients via an application and interview process. You can apply here. For a simple and potent self-study option, start my LOVEABLE program here now.


I had been following Ezzie for a while because I loved her book. When I received her emails about, I immediately knew it was right for me. The Love Potion she sent resonated and so I joined. After the first call, I felt a powerful shift in my very core and truest self and felt myself opening up to true love and something bigger than I have ever experienced. Immediately afterwards, I had a message from someone on a dating app. 

Normally, I would have ignored it, but our work changed me. Now months, later this person and I are exclusive and experiencing and building a loving, safe, secure relationship. Ezzie is magic, and she will bring out that same magic in you that may be buried deep due to past pain and fears. She will help you free yourself and seek what is meant for you, without fear. — KATHERINE