Ready for real love?


It’s time for you to be pursued, cherished and adored. It’s really time.

Are you done with toxic relationships, and not-quite-available types? It’s time to receive healthy love from someone ready, willing and able to build a life with you, someone with the emotional capacity to create secure partnership, now.

Yet another breakup? Missed the signs again? It’s time to break that old pattern now and experience the commitment you deserve.

Been on hiatus the past few years? It's great to take an intentional pause yes, but now it’s time to stop holding yourself back and create relationship authentically, safely, effectively and with healthy boundaries (creating love with ease because you know in your cells that you are worthy of being cherished and that real love is possible for you, not someday, but now).

I know this, because I’ve experienced it all myself, too — and I’ve helped so many women to do all this and more.


Create your own love story with …

A unique 1:1 transformational coaching program to help you become fully open and available for love — and step into committed partnership.

Let’s get you loved up:


Please DM to express your interest in a future intake or explore how you can currently work with Ezzie here.




If you are secretly wondering if there’s something wrong with you: there’s not. You are NOT broken, or doomed to repeat the past.

There are reasons why you have had the experiences you’ve had in love.

Once you do the inner work to clear out old love splinters, and create a beautiful filtering system that you can fully trust: It will not happen again.



Once you do the work, you’ll be FINISHED with …

  • Attracting unavailable person after unavailable person, a new disguise each time, but always ending the same way.

  • Replaying past relationships over in your head and asking yourself on loop: IF ONLY I had seen the signs earlier, or I had known what that meant, or that I hadn’t sent that text, or said that thing …

  • Feeling bad when you receive excited texts from a friend with her new ring, pregnancy news or wedding dress because you feel the gut punch to your solar plexus rather than her pure happiness …

  • Downloading dating apps, and then deleting them out of overwhelm or because you quickly feel the disheartened “ugh, there’s no one out there I can connect with”.

  • Finishing a long day’s work, looking around and then just working more to avoid the yawning emptiness …

  • So, getting another reading to figure out your love-life. The stars are just a bit intense right now (aren’t they always?!).

  • Feeling turned off by the kind, lovely people who desire intimacy with you … wondering what’s wrong with them (or you?).

  • Longing for connection but deep down feeling nervous that partnership will be limiting or drain you again (the push pull).

  • When you DO meet someone you like, feeling anxious that it’s too good to be true; blowing it up or self-sabotaging.


INSTEAD, imagine you’ll be:

  • Feeling softness and a sparkly high-vibe love energy when you put yourself out there — you’ve mastered your feminine love magic, you’re in the mood to be romanced, and you know that when you send up a heart-flare, a gorgeous suitor will inevitably appear. You feel tingly in anticipation!

  • Feeling confident to build a life with someone as you rely on a tried-and-tested filtering system to swiftly and accurately discern if they are a match — no more obsessing about flags or second-guessing, you give a deep exhale and feel relief as you date with self-trust (and actually have fun!)

  • Delighted because someone you really like is pursuing you into relationship — you’re not analyzing your own attachment style or becoming their coach or therapist to figure out their resistance or hot-and-cold pace — YOU simply feel feminine and confident as you’re running your brilliant filtering process with someone who unequivocally wants a life with you. (hello, Queen!)

  • Feeling relieved because you are creating a love story that works for you — you are not settling, you are choosing someone you desire, knowing you can preserve space for yourself and be loved.

  • Feeling pleasure as you receive attention, kindness and courtship from someone who is gentle and masculine, strong and sincere: exactly what you dreamed about!

  • Feeling supremely confident that you can create love whenever you wish — you can date and do a Ph.D, or you can date and build a business, or date and support your family, because your entire life is elevated with the healthy devotion, love and support from the right partner.

  • On top of all this, regularly coming home to a delicious cooked meal or roses on the counter — however you like to be romanced, love. Don’t forget the sparkle: it’s available for you!


From disheartened on the dating apps to ENGAGED — a loving, secure relationship.

I had been following Ezzie for a while because I loved her book. When I received her emails about, I immediately knew it was right for me. After the first call, I felt a powerful shift in my very core and truest self and felt myself opening up to true love and something bigger than I have ever experienced. I met someone almost immediately. Now, months later, this person and I are building a loving, safe, secure relationship. We’re planning our wedding for Jan 2024. Ezzie is magic, and she will bring out that same magic in you that may be buried deep due to past pain and fears. She will help you free yourself and seek what is meant for you, without fear.



Naturally, I can’t make hard promises. But don’t be surprised if, like most of my 1:1 clients, you DO find your person once you do this work.

It’s not a matter of IF, it’s a matter of WHEN.

Here’s how we make the magic happen:

10 PRIVATE breakthrough sessions

Before you put yourself out there, I ask you to pause. We need to back up a moment. There are reasons why you are not in committed, devoted relationship now. We start by swiftly finding and clearing your specific blocks. Then, we fully open you to love, switch on your feminine love magic, and turn you into a magnet for your ideal partner!

We go deep and fast when we work together one-on-one, so this bespoke program is perfect for you if you are ready.

We meet weekly on private live video calls on zoom to focus on:

  • Laser coaching where we surface any blindspots and quickly release love-blocks (splinters + vows).

  • Personalized app profile creation and reviews of profiles & dating conversations, the feminine art of green-lighting, flirting and escalating (this is absolute GOLD!)

  • Personalized dating strategies, attuned partner selection advice & guidance on the critical relational conversations, what to say and when — AKA the real juicy stuff.


The rigorous-and-magical® audio curriculum spells out my genius (and practical) self-love and partner-selection method. This curriculum provides the back-bone for our live coaching. This is where the feminine mysteries meet the spreadsheets. Clients typically have their jaw on the ground after listening to the first audio, and it gets more magical from there. This is a full overhaul. We clarify your needs, wishes, standards & boundaries in the Heartwork and create your high-vibe love field. We set-up the unique gemstone key system for you — aka, your beautiful filtering system.

Once you complete the curriculum, love is inevitable.


Bonus 1 - Suitors Dashboard, AKA my proven system that will revolutionize the way you date, helping you filter suitors in the dating process. When we combine the Heartwork and gemstone keys in the Suitors Dashboard, it’s pure magic.

Bonus 2 - Heartwork templates to use as digital journal pages to answer prompts and guided experiences from the audio curriculum. You complete your Heartwork between calls, and this grounds our discussion & feedback in live calls.

Bonus 3 - Pro Dating Module while you do not have to use the dating apps, women are usually far more confident to do so after working through these extra audios to help you navigate the world of modern digital dating, like a goddess!

A unique 1:1 transformational coaching program to help you become fully open and available for love — and step into committed partnership.

Let’s get you loved up:


Please DM to express your interest in a future intake or explore how you can currently work with Ezzie here.


ENGAGED! fundamentally changed my life — initially I signed up hoping that it would help me “unfreeze” my heart. Due to some unpleasant experiences in my past relationship, I had lost the ability to feel love. I would have been perfectly content if only solved that issue for me, but Ezzie’s magical program just went above and beyond: I was able to re-access that warm and delicious feeling of love after the first week. Then I went on to trusting myself more, treating myself so much better, being emotionally more resilient and just feeling luminously happy in life.

Before I started I estimated that it would take me quite a while to feel like dating again. So I was surprised when after just two months I actually felt ready to go out and date and meet someone.

I used to think: "who am I to meet the guy who really fits me" ? I met him almost on the first try. I have never been in a relationship as good as this. We’re now engaged!! I am so happy. Thank you, I am sure it would not have happened without

- B


I’m Dr. Ezzie Spencer: Best-Selling Author & Coach.

I support brilliant, magical women like you to create healthy love by reconnecting to your feminine magic & learning how to love yourself along the way.

For my whole life, I’ve been fascinated by love and relationship. But first: the dark side.

I stepped professionally into this world as a human rights lawyer in Australia, specializing in domestic violence, which inspired me to pursue my PhD in therapeutic jurisprudence — AKA, reforming the law so it was not re-traumatising for women who had been subjected to domestic/sexual abuse. Therapeutic jurisprudence is about the law as healing, and eventually, I realized I was more interested in the healing part than the law part. 

Upon this realization, I quickly threw myself into healing the wounded feminine (including my own), and started to help women to reconnect with their natural cycles and rhythms, their intuition, sense of self, growing self-awareness and personal power all through the lens of the moon cycle — which, over a decade, evolved into the body of work I created called Lunar Abundance: a full-time global coaching practice with groups, retreats, women’s circles, and published books, selling 40,000 copies over multiple titles world-wide.


I was naturally calling in women who had been wounded in love.

And like many of these women, I also was really struggling with finding love and establishing healthy romantic intimate relationships. No matter how many intentions I set, or corrective actions I tried to take, I still wasn’t available for the type of love I was craving.

I needed to go deeper.

Eventually, I asked myself, “What are these women who find love easy and effortless doing differently?”

This became the primary focus after my doctorate was awarded in 2013, and with my own experience actively dating, seeking expert coaching to reveal my own blindspots, and receiving my Diploma of Positive Psychology, I came to understand what I was missing.

The missing pieces were releasing love splinters and vows to become FULLY open and available for love, finally embodying self-love, and learning goddess-level dating technique.

It was through my PhD, over a decade coaching, and years “on the court” dating in New York City that® was born.

I genuinely believe it is because of my challenging experiences, and not despite them, that I found the keys to this love magic.

I have found love myself — romantic partnership yes, and self-love — and am delighted to help women like you create love as well.

If you are serious about building a life with someone, let’s chat!


Let’s get you loved up:

Please DM to express your interest in a future intake or explore how you can currently work with Ezzie here.


With, I’ve gained self-love & a man who cherishes me.

(YEP, it’s even possible at 70!)

A year ago today my heart was broken [Valentine's Day 2020]. supported me at that hard moment and taught me how to move on. It showed me the map, the road back to myself. To learn again how to feel my feelings, how to accept with love and compassion ALL parts of self, especially the ones, which felt insecure, and undeserving to be loved. Oh my dear, what a ride it was ... My heart is full of warm sincere gratitude.

And here is another Valentines Day. I am writing to you before going to be picked up by [my man] in a few hours. He booked a room in the Marriott downtown for us to chill up there and relax before going to dinner in the nice restaurant later on, which he booked. I feel so loved and cherished. He already mailed me a Valentine card, which I got yesterday and it’s already made me feel like a million dollar prize.

What a difference one year can make. helped me to change within, to make that shift toward myself and self-love without which, nothing would be changed in my external life. I would keep attracting unavailable men. And only after feeling in every cell of my body, the love I deserve, then life brought me the outer experience. 

My man is soooo silly and natural and sensitive and wise and serious and caring and loving and silly again, and I am so grateful for him in my life. I feel so cherished and a love that I never experienced before. Wow and more wow, Ezzie!



Please DM to join waitlist.


Rekindling hope and joy after toxic relationships.

When I came into, I was grieving a 20-year pattern of toxic, unhealthy relationships with volatile, angry and emotionally unavailable men. I was grieving a very lonely and painful childhood. And most of all I was grieving the loss of myself. I was lonely, sad and angry and it felt like my heart was a hard rock in my chest. I was desperate for a change. And then the magic started.... I knew with every part of me that this program was meant for me and I had HOPE. 

I started listening to the modules and following the prescription to a tee. The more I dug into the program, the more magical it became. I felt brighter, lighter and INSPIRED. As I completed the Heartwork, I completely surrendered to a journey of self love and expansion. My fears and unconscious beliefs of unworthiness began to dissolve. 

Fast forward to today and I feel ELATED, serene, and JOYFULLY CONNECTED to myself... It's like a deep burning flame of passion and love at the root of my very being. I embrace and embody the divine and delicious feminine within me. And finally, I am at home in my skin for the first time EVER. My unshakable foundation of abundant love for myself has finally created a clear pathway for me to attract the relationship of my dreams. is life changing and the best part is knowing this is just the beginning! Yes!!!





Here’s just a glimmer of what’s possible when you take the quantum leap into being open and available for love:


Elisa’s experience of and working with Dr Ezzie

Holding complex intersectionality of identity

click the image to watch the video interview
 helped me step into my magnetic radiance so much so that my newest dating challenge is deciding between amazing men in my life!



You are worthy of being pursued and adored by your person, someone who is READY for love
and wants it with you


Enough is enough with difficult relationships, unavailable people, long droughts and situation-ships, beauty.

If you’re tired of feeling lonely and like the clock is ticking … it’s time to make a change.

If you are sincerely on the quest for love — I very much believe that you can do the work to clear and release what is holding you back, and then create love with someone who is clear and unequivocal in their interest & intention NOW.

I believe it because I see it, all the time, with my clients who rapidly normalize magical experiences in love that would have been unfathomable to them only weeks earlier.

You deserve to be cherished!

It’s time to create real love.


Please DM to express your interest in a future intake or explore how you can currently work with Ezzie here.